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Did they initiate new forms and break conventions through innovation? Were they “revolutionary” in positive and/or negative ways as we look back from today’s perspective on them?

Humanities Considering three major movements in Western Culture (Realist, Modern, Post-Modern), discuss and cite your reasons for what you consider to be the most significant contributions in Art, as they have impacted and influenced our contemporary times.(you may choose ONE work: Painting, Literature, Architecture, or Music from EACH period: Realist, Modern, Post-Modern). By “most significant” […]

The articles by Taylor, Luxton and Lee all deal with gender stratification and/or family relationships. Discuss major ideas presented by these authors, particularly the overlapping elements in the Western and traditional Chinese culture in terms of gender stratification.

Description We have discussed numerous micro-level sociological theories and perspectives. The following list includes just some examples: symbolic interactionism, personality, symbolic meanings, socially constructed reality, dramaturgy, rationality, legitimacy, looking-glass self, culture, socialization, gender roles, patriarchy, matriarchy, patrilineal, matrilineal, domestic labor, dual labor market, paid and unpaid social service, socialization institutions. Please apply relevant theoretical perspectives […]

Watch the presentation: Summary of Our Study on Western Culture, from your Reading & Study section.

Most influential paradigm shift in Western Culture Background to the assignment: You read earlier about paradigm shifts occurring in cultures; Western culture has observed some as well. Description of the assignment: Watch the presentation: Summary of Our Study on Western Culture, from your Reading & Study section for Week 8. After you have viewed this […]

Examine the impact of Western influences on the culture and traditions of Nigeria. Evaluate efforts to preserve Nigerian cultural heritage.

Non-Western Literature – Assignment 1. Non-Western literature studies expand our understanding of the world around us. Through this course, you have learned about the experiences of people from other cultures and the effects of colonialism and westernization on non-Western cultures. For this assignment, write 2,000 to 2,500-word essay that responds to one of the prompts […]

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